Two approaches will be adopted in the review. One is the internal review, and the other is the external review. The internal review is a self-assessment, initialed by the program itself. The relevant head(s) of the program under review will oversee the internal review. The internal review report will be forwarded to on-site reviewers. The external review includes off-site review and on-site review, the former of which is optional and the latter is compulsory.
Off-site review is conducted electronically via the website of Academic Review Network (ARN). Prior to their review, the invited experts get access to summary of statistical data, program’s self-assessment materials, curriculum vita of faculty members and other related documents. Off-site review takes one month since the date of dissemination.
After Off-site Review, selected experts will be invited to SJTU to conduct on-site review, visiting the program and the campus which typically takes about three to four days, depending on the program’s size and range of subfields. External panel members will attend sessions and lectures, debrief with the program head(s) and research teams, meet with the faculty members, staff fellows, students, and compose review report.
The selection of nominees for appointment as external reviewers should be made with reference to the following criteria:
The external reviewers should:
lBe widely acknowledged to be of national and/or international eminence, also noted for good judgment and objectivity.
lBe connected with, and with good experience in, departments and institutions of comparable rank and type.
lEnjoy expertise in fields in which the program conduct research, teaching and learning activities.
lBe sufficiently knowledgeable and expert in their individual field to have an expectation of how the subject will develop in the next few years or in a significant period of time.
lBe familiar with higher education so as to provide assurance that their assessment in matters of standards and future developments are sound.
The external reviewers should not:
lHeld a post at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the last 3 years.
lHave strong connections with the program under review within 2 years, for instance former students/teachers of current faculty or former SJTU faculty, or those with substantial collaborative research associations (or strong personal ties) with SJTU faculty.
It is desirable that
lNominees from outside the higher education system, e.g. industry or professional bodies, be submitted where they have expertise/experience of the appropriate area.
lExternal reviewers have some previous experience of external examining for academic programs.